Out On Paper


I don’t think it’s ever good to keep thoughts and ideas locked up inside your head. That’s part of the reason why I wanted to start a blog. I had all of these random thoughts and ideas about how we live our lives and what we do each day, and I wanted to get them out somewhere.

So what I want to say today is this: Never lock yourself up with your thoughts. I am an over-thinker. And I don’t need to be, but it happens. So when I catch myself over-analyzing or over-thinking something, I have to stop myself before I get too wrapped up in it, because it distracts from what is going on right now.

So whether it’s something that’s bothering you, or something you are stressing about, or a great idea that keeps going around and around in your head… Put it somewhere. Write it in a journal, or type it up. Most importantly, I think, talk to other people about it. Because there are people that will listen, and there are people that will care, whether you think so or not.

It can go either way, too. Be the person that people want to talk to about things. You’ll often find that it not only helps them, but often times, it helps you, too.

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